there's a psychological block to throwing the old thing away in order to get a whole new thing

You throw your old systems away?!

However you take your statement, I have no problem going to a new console. In fact, I see this as a good aspect in relation to your previous point: the games will always work!
Just think: I can still play all the games I've ever owned on my Sega Master System. Yet Tony has a thread going about a way to finally play DOS games reliably on curent systems all these years after they were in their prime. My PC can't play games l owned from 4 to 6 years ago like Worms: Armageddon and the first two Warcraft games. But if I want to play Altered Beast on my Sega, I just bust the console out. I don't have to keep a second machine around or dual-boot my Gamecube.
So, as new console systems are released (which is only every 4 years or so, by the way), my game library only
grows, it isn't