Though my empeg is currently in for a repair, I just read a few
old posts on empeg general, and came up with the following question:
I know the update program (part) might do something with the partition table of the first harddisc. However, I think that whatever it does can´t be that much, because:
- /dev/hda2 may not be tampered with, as it may contain 3rd party programs.
This might be a minor point, as someone from empeg (rob?) said something like: The place for 3rd party software is on the music partition
- the music partition may not be tampered with, except if previously backed up by the update program
So what exactly might the update program do to the partition table? It might not move/resize the music partition without risking/accepting a loss of data, nor might it move/resize the "3rd party" partition for the same reason. So what exactly does it do? simply overwrite with the (disc size dependent) default values?
Now for the 2nd harddisc, as far as I understood the whole thing, the update program does
not tamper its partition table, right? So when I install a second harddisc (thus voiding warranty), would it be sufficient to mimic the first hd´s partition table to the point where the same partition
exist or do they have to be the same size (except for the music partition which I guess is just filling up the space the other partitions left over). Or is it even sufficient to just make sure the music partition exists, having the same number (5?) as the one on the primary hd (ie. /dev/hdb5 if the music partition on the first HD id /dev/hda5)? If the same partitions have to exist (no matter if they need to be the same size), could 3rd party software use its aequivalent of the scratch partition?
(MkII 12GB
blue, #080000113)
Edited by smu on 27/10/00 03:27 PM.