#247746 - 29/01/2005 14:51
Re: Rain Woman
[Re: julf]
Registered: 13/09/1999
Posts: 2401
Loc: Croatia
Quote: Nice pics with Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, Bill Gates, Thabo Mbeki Olusegun Obasanjo and the ever-present Bono in a group session. Where is Bush? Where is Rice? Ahh, yes, back home making speeches about "liberty throughout the world"...
Speaking of Gates: an artice in The Economist sent me to his foundation pages. Wow! Billions he spends on global health programs (e.g. malaria vaccine research) are well publicised, but it makes barely 20% of what is spent to at least partialy reverse effects of Bush government's efforts to destroy public education, social services etc. So, now I pay Microsoft tax so that American Pacific NW homeless have a shot at standing on they own feet! Talk about global solidarity!
That inaugural speech you refered to deserves a separate thread.
Dragi "Bonzi" Raos
MkII #080000376, 18GB green
MkIIa #040103247, 60GB blue
#247747 - 29/01/2005 15:05
Re: Rain Woman
[Re: DLF]
Registered: 13/09/1999
Posts: 2401
Loc: Croatia
Quote: Of course, I've never voted for a Democrat for U.S. President in my life, either. Just smarter, better-qualified, and generally more moral and ethical human beings who, almost by definition, are unaffiliated with either of the two major political parties, and who again almost by definition, can and will never, ever win the Oval Office. Drats.
Thet's probably one of the main reasons someone here refered to America as 'pseudo-democracy' - pactically no chances for anybody outside established two 'parties', regardless of capability or program.
Dragi "Bonzi" Raos
MkII #080000376, 18GB green
MkIIa #040103247, 60GB blue
#247748 - 29/01/2005 15:33
Re: Rain Woman
[Re: cushman]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 24/01/2002
Posts: 3937
Loc: Providence, RI
#247749 - 29/01/2005 17:14
Re: Rain Woman
[Re: julf]
Registered: 13/09/1999
Posts: 2401
Loc: Croatia
Quote: I actually don't care that much about the Republicans vs. Democrats thing, it's mostly just an artifact of the quaint US two-party pseudo-democracy...
In all fairness, I think that American Republicans and Democrats currently differ on many important issues more than, say, most European Demochristians do from Social democrats (or even reformed Communists). I am affraid that European political scene is currently too 'homogenised', lacking radical marginal ideas (that still fall within the universally accepted limits of democracy and humen rights). I mean, one can't tell (to use German examples, Croatian are too obscure and surreal) CDU from SDP in labor policy, or from Greens in environment. Perhaps exception are British with their strong Euro-scepticism, and most important issue of them all, fox hunting (Then again, who would have guessed that Blair belongs to Labour?)
Dragi "Bonzi" Raos
MkII #080000376, 18GB green
MkIIa #040103247, 60GB blue
#247750 - 29/01/2005 19:21
Re: Rain Woman
[Re: SE_Sport_Driver]
Registered: 13/09/1999
Posts: 2401
Loc: Croatia
Quote: Did you use "founding principles" and "LIBERAL" in the same sentence? ? ?
Well, the Founding Fathers whose intentions Americans seem to be trying to divine when other arguments fail did think that slavery was fine and dandy, and did not seem to notice that pristine land they were colonizing was inhabited for ten or so millenia by the people who would prefer white men to take their missunderstandings about taxes back across the ocean where they came from. So, you might be up to something here...
But, what Bitt probably had in mind was that Founding Fathers are unlikelly to would have been enamored with ever-growing snooping powers of federal government, hostage-keeping a'la Guantanamo or going to war for the benefit of old buddies in oil companies.
Quote: Meaning of 'neo-cons'
I wasn't aware of ethnic background of prominent neo-conservatives (OK, so Wolfowitz does sound Jewish). The term was simply used to distinguish them from 'paleo-conservatives', those who did not switch sides, so to speak. I never detected any hint of intention to imply parallel with neo-Nazis.
Quote: Anti-Semitism
It is possible that Europe has larger number of acts like defacing of Jewish cemeteries, probably because there are proportionally more Muslims (like Palestinian refugees) in Europe than in USA. There's another effect in play, I think: many Israeli politicians and commentators follow the formula 'anti-Sharon = anti-Israel = anti-Semite', which is, of course, utter nonsense, but helps to paint Europe as anti-Semitic.
BTW, speaking of tolerating (verbal) anti-Semitism, where is the line one draws regarding hate-speech? We saw an opinion in a previous thread denouncing French policy of punishing (anti-Muslim, in this case) hate speech as trampling the basic human right of free speech. Does this apply to anti-Semitic remarks? Should it?
(BTW, term 'anty-Semitic' is, strictly speaking, wrong: both Jews and Arabs are Semites.)
Quote: Actually, very few Jews from that time grew up in what is now Israel I imagine. Everytime I read or learn more about how the UK and US started that whole mess by promissng this and that, I cringe.
I could agree with you here. It looks as if the whole affair was designed to fail (my impression is by British more than Americans). Was displacing Palestinians really the best way to cure feeling of guilt for Holocaust? Speaking of that, what about Romanies (Gypsies)? They were being externimated by Nazis even more zealously than Jews; not only was no state constructed for them, they are still second-class citizens all over the Europe (including, I am ashamed to admit, in Croatia)... 
Quote: I even have a few friends that are liberals. I even invited one to my house once. Well, we actually just worked together at the same job.
Well, I am quite sure you are considered a friend by most of us bleeding heart liberals here. And I have very good conservative friends. But somehow they seem to be able to actually hear arguments a bit better than you guys here (and succeeded in making me change the way I look at a thing or two in our local politics) 
Dragi "Bonzi" Raos
MkII #080000376, 18GB green
MkIIa #040103247, 60GB blue
#247751 - 29/01/2005 19:32
Re: Rain Woman
[Re: Ladmo]
Registered: 13/09/1999
Posts: 2401
Loc: Croatia
Quote: Well, I am a Jew, and I have been insulted, spit on, gun pulled on, knife pulled on, violence directed at, my cars trashed (and it's HARD to trash a junker!), had my home vandalized, and my family threatened. But that is to be expected from 'low brows'.
For being a Jew, or 'just on general principles'? Sounds scary and much worse than I imagined that is happening nowadays pretty much anywhere in the West... 
Quote: But when someone calls me a 'Nazi', I have to laugh! Ignorance is such a preventable illness.
Heh, I saw a segment on CNN a few years ago about a row between ultra-orthodox Israeli Jews and their guests from USA. The sin the guests commited was that men and women were praying together at the Western Wall. Of course, the most popular insult flinged was 'Nazi'... 
Dragi "Bonzi" Raos
MkII #080000376, 18GB green
MkIIa #040103247, 60GB blue
#247753 - 30/01/2005 01:45
Re: Rain Woman
[Re: jimhogan]
Registered: 10/09/2004
Posts: 127
Loc: Bay Area, CA/Anchorage, AK
Quote: Would that be The Pietr Priciple or the Das Peter Prinzip?....systematically lied to us and now lies about that.
Late to the debate (busy week and broken laptop) but the above quote seems to encapsulate the original theme....IMO, what Rice demonstrates is both an embodiment of the Peter Principle and the maxim that power corrupts. From my vantage point, which is living just down the road and working across the street from Stanford, where she received a lot of local scrutiny in a town that specializes in debating everything from international politics to traffic circles, Dr. Rice did a fine job as provost at Stanford, and I have no interest in denigrating her previous accomplishments. Although one of those liberals, I thought initially that she (as with Colin Powell) might be a voice of reason in an admministration short on that substance, and was severely disappointed. It seems to me, based on her performance in Washington only, that she either left her reason or her honor on the West Coast, and I suspect that Barbara Boxer was responding with a similar sense of disillusionment in her questioning of her fitness as Secretary of State. All the side-issues, including her CV, are irrelevant to that central point and seem designed, intentionally or not, to distract from it.
#247754 - 30/01/2005 03:10
Re: Rain Woman
[Re: cushman]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 06/10/1999
Posts: 2591
Loc: Seattle, WA, U.S.A.
Quote: Troll.
Flock of Seagulls?
Complete non-sequitur: I remember observing a seagull once... far, far, far away from the sea. I remarked to myself "My! How far we are from the sea! And from gulls! (Who might be properly terned...See!...Gulls!").... as I sat swigging water from my jug on the Knife Edge and as the gull lazily, nonchalantly, slowly rose on an early afternoon updraft along the Chimney Peak couloir. It was somewhat hypnotic. The seagull came closer and closer. I remarked to myself: "Look at that gull. The rising, warm air. It is almost as if Katahdin was an extinct volcano."
'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.
#247755 - 30/01/2005 04:08
Re: Rain Woman
[Re: jimhogan]
Registered: 21/01/2002
Posts: 1380
Loc: Erie, CO
Quote: extinct volcano
It would seem that way, wouldn't it? I always thought it was, since we have a few others nearby.
#247756 - 30/01/2005 14:02
Re: Rain Woman
[Re: Daria]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 05/01/2001
Posts: 4903
Loc: Detroit, MI USA
Quote: Actually, we traded one set of bad circumstances (oppressive single government) for a different one (regional warlords and a region which is freer albeit with a higher ambient danger level than before at the center of the country). For some people it is more of an improvement, for others, not so much.
Perhaps you've forgotten that one of those circumstances allowed the open hosting of a terrorist organization that produced the largest terrorist attack in the history of the world. In addition to the terrorist training camps, women were killed for the accidental showing of flesh (as in part of their forearm if the wind caught the fabric of their sleeve), were forbid from learning how to read or any of the countless crimes against women that are very well documented and for some reason, certain people only seemed to care about in 1998. Now, women are allowed to not only go to school, but to teach and vote in the first elections in their country. The terrorist camps care destroyed and Afghanistan is finally allowed to recover from decades of turmoil.
Maybe those "some people" you refer to that don't consider this an improvement are the Taliban.
Brad B.
#247757 - 30/01/2005 14:51
Re: Rain Woman
[Re: webroach]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 05/01/2001
Posts: 4903
Loc: Detroit, MI USA
Quote: So could you please explain in detail how them being a joke (which I'm sure is an opinion that would go over quite nicely at the Auschwitz rememberance) equates to them not being anti-Semetic? Because you know, it's possible to clean up a highway and still hate Jews. And your original statement had nothing to do with the level of respect you have for people such as this; you stated that we "we don't have as much anti-Semitism and it's certainly not tolerated" which is, sadly, simply not true. We have plenty and it is tolerated.
Fo this topic that you love to go on about, the anti-semitism reference that composed one short sentence, I was refering to violence against Jews in this country by people or groups based solely on that person being Jewish. Rob's post was trying to critize me for daring to bring up the word "Nazi" on the Auschwitz memorial. I must be some insensitive American who has no idea of what's going on outside of the borders of my self-centered country. I just wanted to say that from what I've read in the news, violence against Jews was much more common in Europe than it is here. I never claimed there was no Anti-Semitism (go re-read my post). I said there wasn't as much and I was simply referring to the level of violence. You want to "nail" me for not being more specific on that? Go ahead, but I bet even if you include non-violent behavior, my statement is still correct.
As you have so diligently pointed out, the KKK has an internet site on the world wide web. They may even have an email address and fax machine. They are however, an utter joke. They are the idiots that deserve to be ridiculed and laughed at. This once fearsome domestic terror group is now limited to adopting highways, making animated GIFs for their web site and appearing on the Jerry Springer Show.
Quote: And your neighbor's kid's band is not under discussion here, nor debate. I understand it was an attempt to dismiss the argument, but it doesn't serve that purpose. After all, nobody ever said that we "certainly don't tolerate Brad's neighbor's kid's band", did we?
Again, all you managed to prove in your detective work is that the KKK have a web site. So does my neighbor's band's kid. They both suck and will have no impact on this world (sorry Ronnie).
Quote: I disagree. You actually went into a fair bit of detail as to your feelings about the term. And, yes, you also pointed out that people were welcome to "toss the 'neo' in there so that the casual observer might associate it with 'neo-nazi'.." Kind of a non-sequiter if you ask me (I personally never made that association until you brought it up), but that's just my opinion.
Well then fine. You're not the casual oberver who may have thought that. What, you're an exception to something I said "might" happen with the casual obersvor and suddenly what I say is not true? And I didn't ask you if it was a non-sequiter. And watch out, don't mention your opinion either because if I disagree with you, then you're incorrect and I'll think less of you as a person for not reseaching what my opinion is.
Quote: You also stated later, in response to Rob, that "the only two 'neo-anythings' that have popular meaning are neo-con and neo-nazi" which is a sweeping generalization, and one that has the added benefit of being incorrect. You may want to reconsider; not everyone is confused by the above terms. Pretty much everyone in my circle could explain any of them. If you're right, and the general populace of the US can't, then we're in deeper trouble than I thought.
Oh yes, the world is doomed because my mom and hafl the people driving down the highway can't pick out neoimpressionism from impressionism. The sky is falling because Ronnie and his band have no idea what neophyte refers too. Man, we're screwed.
Quote: And by the way, neophyte does not just refer to religous pursuits. It can apply to pretty much anything. Including politics, as in "Though he was a neophyte, the new congressman showed promise". You can even use it in regards to cogent argumentation.
Oh wait, you mean even I who looked that term up only knew of one of its definitions!!! Ah man, I'd better get that bomb shelter and duct tape ready!
Quote: Might not be a bad idea. Is there something wrong, in your opinion, with having more than one source of information? Or is that just a myth perpetrated by the liberal media?
Well, only about 7% of Canadian citizens seem to think that the CBC is worth watching and 20% of those are hockey fans that only watch it to see games. I guess they're fucked too. And considering how you are going over my posts with a finetoothed comb trying to twist how I probably meant "much as" in reference to a sidebar comment, I'm surprised you missed that I get a lot of my news from AP and Reuters. I don't even mind the Washington Post or NYT if I skip the editorials. These aren't of course the only places, but it'll be a cold day in hell before I'm about to watch the swill from CBC or the BBC thank you very much. Maybe my sources aren't anti-Bush enough for webroach? Is that it? The Page 3 section of the UK Sun is pretty nice sometimes as well.
Quote: It strikes me as odd that you seem to be making fun of any kind of intellectual pursuit. And yeah, you're missing out on them. Give the Discovery networks a shot once in the while. I know they don't bash on "liberals", but still, they're ok if your're up for learning about more than how to argue about who's right or wrong....
Do you realize how condisending you're being here? I wasn't making fun of documentaries, I was making fun of you (sorry, but you're pretty much the only one here being overtly rude to me and I don't appreciate it) for thinking that "neophyte" was such a stable in the American culture. I don't believe I'm even wasting my time explaining this, but with the exception of a few Aqua Teen episodes, my Tivo is full of recording on the History Channel, PBS (rarely but the History Detectives rocks), Discovery Science, Discovery and TLC. I'm actually a big fan of documentaries and they're my preferred type of show to watch. But you couldn't pay me to watch one on neoimpressionism.
Brad B.
#247758 - 30/01/2005 15:25
Re: Rain Woman
[Re: Redrum]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 05/01/2001
Posts: 4903
Loc: Detroit, MI USA
Quote: Open Letter to Brad:...
It is sad that some people’s “estimation” of you has gone down because of your stance/beliefs. Of course that is what inevitably happens when people do not agree. Your still the same Brad as always but since you disagree with them you are somehow less. Note: See history – every war and prejudice is usually not personal but belief oriented.
You know, this is what's really getting me. So here we are, because someone disagrees with me, I'm thought less of. Not simply disagreed with - but in their eyes, less of a person to a community that I've been part of for nearly 6 years.
But at least I'm still descent! Like that brown pair of shoes I have!
Sure, Jim can devote his signature to a web site he made that lists all of Bush's accomplishments to date (don't bother clicking, he's left it empty) and he titles this thread "rain women" implying that Dr. Rice is Autistic. She is then called "fundamentally an idiot." It goes on! She is also an idiotic automaton suck up!
Yet these "broad" statements are praised. Why? Because people agree with them. Fine, that's expected. We make plenty of broad statements about our empegs that we all accept because we agree ("There will be no better mp3 player for 10 year!", etc.)
Yet, when I think that such a broad, offensive, perhaps intentionally over the top post deserves a little ballance by at least pasting the resume of Condeleezza Rice, I'm accused of being "arrogant in the extreme". Yes, Jim asks a question, I answer it and I'm arrogant to the extreme!
However, a page or so later, someone else takes about 3 seconds to type "www.kkk.com" into this browser (proving to the world once and for all that the KKK have started paying their electric bill again) and he's a "reseacher!"
So, a Google search is arrogant and typing a url into your browser is research.
And if I make a "broad" statement, I'm bad for not having footnotes listing my sources. Yet, all of the broad statements that Dr. Condeleezza Rice is a muppet, puppet, parrot, Autistic, idiot and a suck up are not overly broad.
Quote: I also need to kick my dog, finish my fourth beer and beat my wife and kids.
Crap, thanks for reminding me. I forgot to beat my wife last night.
Don't forget about the book burning today!
Brad B.
#247759 - 30/01/2005 15:38
Re: Rain Woman
[Re: webroach]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 05/01/2001
Posts: 4903
Loc: Detroit, MI USA
Quote: What happens when people don't agree (or what should happen) is that they try to figure out their differences by discussing them, without using overly inflammatory language and (one would hope) without making it all about attacks?
It was a letter to me. I didn't see him engage in any attacks.
Quote: I don't get what you're trying to say with the "lost cause" comment. Are you saying that any of us that don't agree with you are "lost causes"? Because if so, who's doing the "bombarding"?
"Lost cause" means that there really isn't any chance of changing some people's minds because they are so obviously entrenched in their views. Also, many views are based on predictions and there is no way to prove that a certain prediction is wrong without simply waiting to see. Matters of fact can usually be proved, but matters of opiion (such as world-view) can not. So trying to change your mind might be a lost cause. You as a person however are not a lost cause. If that's bombarding, then we're in deeper trouble than I thought.
Quote: And I hate to break this to you, but peoples opinions of others are formed by eachothers stances and beliefs, among other things. What do you base your opinion of others on?
Most of us simply say, "I disagree with you, but I respect you." I don't think Jim and I could be more politically opposite with one another, but I deeply respect him and think he's an intelliegent guy. That isn't to say he doesn't make my blood boil sometimes, but I'm not going to let politics get in the way of my view of a person. Maybe that's how the guys on Crossfire are friends.
Quote: A) Why comment on it at all?
He thought I need a pep-talk. It was appreciated.
Quote: B) How is it that you have such powerful opinions on something you "don't care about"?
Reading his post. I don't see a single comment about Dr. Condeleezza Rice. I wouldn't call those "such powerful opinions."
You just love to argue don't you?
Quote: And if you think Mrs. Rice being black or white or whatever matters to any of us, I think you've really made an unfortunate mistake. I personally think that this board has better things to worry about than sombody's ethnic background. I personally look at her as simply another person.
That was his point. It was a joke. I might suggest some of the wonderful selections on the Comedy Channel.
Brad B.
#247760 - 30/01/2005 15:39
Re: Rain Woman
[Re: DLF]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 05/01/2001
Posts: 4903
Loc: Detroit, MI USA
Quote: ALL my Jewish friends drive PoS cars.
Dude, that's a broad statement. Careful.
Brad B.
#247761 - 30/01/2005 15:52
Re: Rain Woman
[Re: bonzi]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 05/01/2001
Posts: 4903
Loc: Detroit, MI USA
Quote: I find that tree-hugging rhetoric about 'raping Mother Earth' silly and conter-productive. Humans are, after all, animals like any other and are expected to make most of environment for their own good.
Who expects that? Animals kill one another and some even manage to destroy their habitat. Are you suggesting there is some sort Oversight Board or greater power that might expect something like that? Them's fightin' words in these parts! 
Anyway, he was just joking. Us conservatives, believe it or not, do not spend our days drving 4x4s, shooting our guns, beating our wives, drinking beer, watching Nascar or raping the forests.
And I actually agree with you on some of the points you made regarding this, but I'd rather save them for another thread. This one is bloated enough.
Quote: stereotypical redneck barbarians
The Rednecks have cut off all ties with the The Goths, The Mongols, The Huns, and the Vikings! This is Europes problem now! 
Brad B.
#247762 - 30/01/2005 16:37
Re: Rain Woman
[Re: SE_Sport_Driver]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 25/06/1999
Posts: 2993
Loc: Wareham, Dorset, UK
Quote: but in contrast with parts of Europe, those people are hardly mainstream
Thereby implying that all Europeans are nuts who think the world is run by Jewish bankers.
Hang on, where have I heard that before?
Thank you for that illuminating gem of wisdom, Brad. It's nice to know how people think of us racist, Jew-hating furrriners. Obviously I am hanging out with the wrong people.
This thread, the way it is being conducted, and the propogation of this type of invidious sidesniping is going well out of bounds. It should stop now.
One of the few remaining Mk1 owners... #00015
#247763 - 30/01/2005 16:44
Re: Rain Woman
[Re: SE_Sport_Driver]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 25/06/1999
Posts: 2993
Loc: Wareham, Dorset, UK
Quote: I see far more violence conducted against Jews in Europe (France in particular) than I do in the US.
So you do concede that there is violence against Jews in the US after all then? I thought anti-semitism was not tolerated in the US?
Could you point me to a URL where you have observed the basis of that comment, that France is an inherently anti-semitic society?
One of the few remaining Mk1 owners... #00015
#247765 - 30/01/2005 17:11
Re: Rain Woman
[Re: SE_Sport_Driver]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 06/10/1999
Posts: 2591
Loc: Seattle, WA, U.S.A.
Back in the 80s I worked with somebody I'll call Elaine. After a few side conversations with her, I pretty much decided not to get into conversation with her about anything other than strictly-work-related issues because most of those side conversations had gone something like this one (a very rough example from distant memory): Me: Hey, I see a triple-decker burned down on your street last night. That's too bad! Elaine: It wasn't last night it was yesterday afternoon. Me: Oh, the news said it started at around 7 PM. Elaine: So now I'm a liar? Me: No, I'm just saying what the news said! Too bad about the families...losing everything. Elaine: Well, they probably didn't have that much, and if they didn't rent the place, they wouldn't have gotten into this situation! Me: Well, sheesh, people gotta live somewhere! Elaine: I bet they set the fire themselves! Me: Wow, how do you figure that??? Elaine: What, so you're saying *I* set it??? ....and so forth and so on. Some sort of a "forest versus the trees" problem, I thought, but after about 5-6 go-rounds like this, I gave up. There's an aspect of some of the BBS conversations with you that are just a little reminiscent of the frustration that I felt with Elaine. Of course, I get the sense that you may feel some of this from 180 degrees, but I can only speak to what I've experienced. You have criticized Webroach for being "pretty much the only one here being overtly rude to me", but I in turn, while I won't get into the veracity of your accusation, I am concerned that you may be unfairly singling him out. My cheesy little Golden Gate drama could be interpreted, aside from making some fun, as not conveying respect for your positions or arguments and that is actually the case. Frankly, I just got tired of having what felt like an "Elaine" discussion and decided to have a little fun. I continue to admire Bonzi's mature, thoughtful comments. He is a much better man than I. Me, shame on me, but I guess my role as grumpy, immature provocateur has been reinforced by BBS history: on those few occasions where I iniate a polite and mature thread in OT, it sinks like a stone. But how did I get to Daring to Fly? I feel a responsibility ("Why?", I can only ask myself.) to explain. Well, I certainly *did* criticize Condi Rice in a pointed, exaggerated, insulting way, so perhaps I have brought this on my own head. Our employees in the White House, though, are public figures and are expected to tolerate and survive a certain amount of satire, lampooning, caricture and ridicule, though. So some of this is Condi's job. Still, should I *really* have called her an idiot, or should I just have stuck with something more neutral and respectful like "cunning liar"? It's a tough call. If all you did was cut and paste Condi's resume and say "Hey, that's not fair!", I guess I would have to simply concede and say, "Yup, some of her resume is quite impressive." and just tone it down -- stick with the whole cunning liar thing and point out that she hasn't done jack since 2000 and admit that, yes, I really hate her boss (you got me there). You've been pretty quick to jump in other people's case for being "arrogant" and such, but I have to say that I am amazed you can manage that when you sling slipshod knowledge and anger around so readily. I am going to just pick through a few snips and offer some frank thoughts: Quote: "but here's a start for anyone else reading this who is possibly less entrenched in their self loathing or at least don't get their news from Moveon.org."
OK, you were hot under the Condi, but one part of this comment is a gross, spiteful insult and another part is simply Rush-esque demagoguery. I let the insult go on the first pass, but not now. Oh, and the last time that *I* looked at moveon.org (one of 3-4 occasions), was when Howard Dean was still in the race. It is probably to my discredit that I have not looked since.
Quote: "And yet some liberals insist on calling her an 'Aunt Jamima' or a 'mildly smart, but idiotic, automaton.'"
If you are going to falsely expand the insults I issue, you could at least spell "Jemima" correctly.
Quote: "How's your resume' lookin?"
How good does my resume need to look to be a US citizen, poster on this BBS, and critic of this or any other administration?
Quote: "or even toss the "neo" in there to make "neocon" so that the casual observor might associate it with "neo-nazi" (the "neocon" term ironically is most commonly used to imply "conservative Jew") "
Boy did you pull *this* one out of your butt! Hey, but feel free to make stuff like this up in political discourse and then wonder afterward what the big fuss is about. I still wonder what news outlet this came from -- or maybe it came from very casual reading? I submit that anybody who wants to participate in current political debate where American, Iraquis and others are dying on a daily basis has a responsibility to understand what this term means and who those players are. If you want to be taken seriously.
Quote: "and Condeleeza (although let's make her sound like a child and call her "Condi")"
Why, pull one out of your butt again! I would collapse in shame in the face of this criticism if one or two other people didn't call her that.
Quote: "Oil tanker?? Aw man, you just gave away your source... that parody George W. Bush resume right?"
You thought I was joking.
Quote: This just serves are good character assassination to try to nip her possible [2008] run at the bud.
I hadn't heard this theory. Is this yours alone or held more widely? How handy, though. Any attempt to take nominees to task for their prior commissions/omissions (like pointing out how someone behaved feebly/ineffectually in the runup to 9/11, misrepresented intelligence and/or lied or, in other nominee cases, ignored torture problems) is nothing but an attempt to damage their future political prospects. Well, I guess we should pack up our questions and go home. Not.
Quote: "Obviously there was a strong enough terrorist movement long before President Bush took office [.....] such as the "Millenium Plot" in Los Angeles. Doing nothing wasn't an option."
And so doing stupid things was somehow mandatory?
Quote: "But all of this supports my original point that this is truely a debate over the Bush administration and presidential term. Defaming Condoleezza Rice by calling her an idiot, retarded (Rainman reference), puppet or even "mildly smart" is disgraceful. "
In the immediate wake of the 9/11 attacks, Bush sat around and looked like an idiot. From all I can tell, Rice sat around and looked smart. But you are right, I am a disgrace. I formally withdraw that remark. I will just call her ineffectual or out of her depth, or paralyzed by neocon Iraq fixation, or an unwitting tool or a cunning liar. I can't decide, but you could help by telling me what effective things she did prior to 9/11 and has done since then other than nod and occasionally protest her innocence.
Quote: "Doing so would mean a Bush accomplishment and that would ruin the whole effect of someone's "cough" web site. Hopefully you're not in that crowd, but how odd it must be to wake up in the morning knowing that you're wishing for the same outcome as Abu Musab al-Zarqawi."
Not liking my Web page doesn't create positive accomplishments, Brad. If you want me to put "He cut Brad's taxes!" up there, I will take that under consideration.
Oh, and thanks for the al-Zarqawi slander, by the way. It is helpful. I gotta practice spelling his name correctly if he's ever going to read my coded messages. In truth it was that nasty, ill-considered comment on your part that told me that what I thought was a fairly deliberate attempt to explain a difference between "root for" and "expect/predict" was something that you just cast aside, and it is the one that finally made me put these conversations in the "Elaine" category (and got me thinking of the lame "Daring to Fly" parable).
Quote: Well, we certainly have a disconnect here then. [...] But the only way to ensure failure is to concede to it. Ted Kennedy seems to prefer this route, I do not."
Hmmm "the only way to ensure failure is to concede to it." How moving. Think hard, Brad. There are other ways to ensure failure.
Quote: Do you really go through life predicting doom and gloom at every turn? Would anything short of Utopia satisfy you?
Now what do you base this on? Oh, oh,... self-loathing! I get it!
Brad, it must be great being easy to please. To sleep untroubled by comments like "I don't like to impugn anyone's integrity, but I really don't like being lied to repeatedly, flagrantly, intentionally," ... "It's wrong. It's undemocratic, it's un-American, and it's dangerous."
A clue, though: Jim has somehow survived in the absence of Utopia. In the alternate history department, though, Nixon lost and this country and the world became a better place. Jim was much happier. Very happy in fact. Iraq? The troubling unknown is whether the extremists are turning out newly trained terrorists faster than the United States can capture or kill them. It is quite clear to me that we do not have a coherent approach to this.
'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.
#247767 - 30/01/2005 20:04
Re: Rain Woman
[Re: SE_Sport_Driver]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 08/06/1999
Posts: 7868
Quote: but it'll be a cold day in hell before I'm about to watch the swill from CBC or the BBC thank you very much
I really hate to try an jump into the middle of all this, especially with an off topic tangent, but I'm hoping to come out of this with maybe some new information. Why is it that you dislike the BBC news so much? I have to admit I use them as a major news source to get a good world view of how things are going. I generally enjoy their news, as it seems to me that is doesn't carry the bias and baggage from being "left" or "right" like so many US media sources. But maybe I am missing something.
Today, I am reading the story Iraq election declared 'success'. If I was forced to rate the article as coming from the right or left, I would say the right, only for the fact that it is showing some success in Iraq and has quotes only from Bush and Blair. But again, I would only say so if forced. Otherwise, I find it an informative article with no real bias in it either way. I try and avoid really siding with either "side", as I find doing such limits me too much. I much more prefer going to the polls and voting for who I want, and not for what party I want.
A good friend of mine considers himself conservative, but still has harsh criticism of how the situation in Iraq is going. It's a shame that such a stance can be seen by some as being wrong and un-patriotic. What unwritten law says you must support the person you voted for 100%? I will likely have my own criticism of any president ever elected, and the officials below that office no matter how I voted. And I would hope others feel the same. Of course I'll be much happier when those criticisms go back to "Why are they spending upteen million on that" instead fo the current war enviornment.
Anyhow, I do have to agree with Rob, this thread is getting a bit out of hand on both sides. I hate to think moderation might have to come into force on this issue, but it is heading that way. Just keep in mind post count doesn't matter, nor does replying 5 seconds after someone else. Try to step back a bit and consider what you are posting before doing so, possibly by even delaying the submit by an hour. A hastly typed in response filled with hints of insults is not going to do any good, and may turn people against you.
#247768 - 30/01/2005 20:18
Re: Rain Woman
[Re: SE_Sport_Driver]
Registered: 13/09/1999
Posts: 2401
Loc: Croatia
Quote: Anyway, he was just joking.
Err, you thought I was not aware of that? 
Quote: Us conservatives, believe it or not, do not spend our days drving 4x4s, shooting our guns, beating our wives, drinking beer, watching Nascar or raping the forests.
That's what I said, isn't it (not all of you, anyway)?
Quote: And I actually agree with you on some of the points you made regarding this, but I'd rather save them for another thread. This one is bloated enough.
Quote: The Rednecks have cut off all ties with the The Goths, The Mongols, The Huns, and the Vikings! This is Europes problem now!
Vandals were out favourites. Anyway, it would seem that rednecks don't need role models. 
Dragi "Bonzi" Raos
MkII #080000376, 18GB green
MkIIa #040103247, 60GB blue
#247769 - 30/01/2005 20:34
Re: Rain Woman
[Re: drakino]
Registered: 13/09/1999
Posts: 2401
Loc: Croatia
Thank you for this post - I can't agree with you more. 'Left', 'right', 'conservative', 'liberal' (both in European and American meaning, which are quite different) are not (or should not be) one's religion, but just a kind of shorthand for describing one's overall 'worldview' (at least in polical and economic sphere).
I think we are far from the need for moderation, occasional insult-flinging notwithstanding.
Dragi "Bonzi" Raos
MkII #080000376, 18GB green
MkIIa #040103247, 60GB blue
#247770 - 30/01/2005 21:14
Re: Rain Woman
[Re: SE_Sport_Driver]
Registered: 13/09/1999
Posts: 2401
Loc: Croatia
Quote: "Lost cause" means that there really isn't any chance of changing some people's minds because they are so obviously entrenched in their views.
You woldn't, just as a test, for a moment entertain an idea that this might describe you or indeed any other conservative, would you?
Quote: Most of us simply say, "I disagree with you, but I respect you." I don't think Jim and I could be more politically opposite with one another, but I deeply respect him and think he's an intelliegent guy. That isn't to say he doesn't make my blood boil sometimes, but I'm not going to let politics get in the way of my view of a person.
And that's why I am puzzled at your insulted response at someone here saying he considered you a decent guy. Perhaps we have different ideas on nuances of meaning of 'decent' - my English highschool training was in British English and there slightly understated compliments were preferred.
Speaking of blood boiling, it is good that I currently don't share my appartment with anyone - no one to doubt my mental health as I shout at invisible Brad, not understanding how he doesn't see things that are plain as day... 
Quote: Hopefully you're not in that crowd, but how odd it must be to wake up in the morning knowing that you're wishing for the same outcome as Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.
Do you realize how insultig this is? Do you really?
I have seen this exclusive claim to patriotism before: by right-wing, nominally ultra-nationalist thieves we had in power here in Croatia some years ago. I remember the rage with which I listen to their denounciations as 'unpatriotic' (understanding exact terms require good knowledge of local circumstances) of anybody remotely critical of their policy or plundering. I understand the thinking half* of America very well.
*) 'Thinking', not 'intelligent'. Others are not stupid, just lazy. Did I return the insult by this? Perhaps. But that pretty much describes how I saw it at home and how I see it in America.
Dragi "Bonzi" Raos
MkII #080000376, 18GB green
MkIIa #040103247, 60GB blue
#247771 - 30/01/2005 21:26
Re: Rain Woman
[Re: bonzi]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 15/08/2000
Posts: 4859
Loc: New Jersey, USA
...I think we are far from the need for moderation...
Quite the contrary. I think moderation is sadly missing from this entire thread. While I must admit to not having read every posting to the detail I should, what I have seen appears to be a shouting match between nearly opposite viewpoints. What good debate and factual discussion is lost to me, not wanting to wade into the trash talking and hurled refuse. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, based on their perspectives and experiences.
If you were referring to the other kind of moderation (as in BBS / thread control), I practice that myself with what threads I read, skim or ignore. However I agree with Tom that is starting to get a little out of hand.
Paul Grzelak 200GB with 48MB RAM, Illuminated Buttons and Digital Outputs
#247772 - 30/01/2005 21:34
Re: Rain Woman
[Re: pgrzelak]
Registered: 13/09/1999
Posts: 2401
Loc: Croatia
Quote: If you were referring to the other kind of moderation (as in BBS / thread control), I practice that myself with what threads I read, skim or ignore.
Err, yes, that was the kind of moderation I had in mind. Of course this thread needs more of the other kind.
Dragi "Bonzi" Raos
MkII #080000376, 18GB green
MkIIa #040103247, 60GB blue
#247773 - 31/01/2005 01:30
Re: Rain Woman
[Re: SE_Sport_Driver]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 24/01/2002
Posts: 3937
Loc: Providence, RI
Quote: Quote: ALL my Jewish friends drive PoS cars.
Dude, that's a broad statement. Careful.
No, the cars really do suck.
#247774 - 31/01/2005 02:43
Re: Rain Woman
[Re: jimhogan]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 05/01/2001
Posts: 4903
Loc: Detroit, MI USA
TO ALL: Rereading my original post, I was more abrasive than I remember being. I thought I just pasted a bio of Condeleezza Rice, but it looks like I also tossed a jab or insult in there as well. The fact is, I guess I'm still stinging from another thread from months back. I honestly came in here looking for a fun debate but it looks like everything got off to a bad start and I never hesitated to continue running it into the ground. This BBS has been my online home for almost 6 years now and I don't want to screw that up over this. I am more than happy to agree to disagree but I don't like to agree to disrespect. I'm not going to continue w. this thread anymore, but where I think specific replies are needed: DRAK: You have mail. schofiel : Quote: Thereby implying that all Europeans are nuts who think the world is run by Jewish bankers.
It sure reads that way doesn't it? I'm sorry. I in no way think that's the case. I even had to reread my posts to make sure I had writen it. It was my whole "there is more violence against Jews in Europe than the USA" thing, but whether it's true or not doesn't matter and it made no sense for me to bring it up. I made the mistake of waiting a day before I read the replies. Then I'd panic and think "Aw man, I have to hurry and reply to 9 replies to me!" Next time, I'll read then wait a day. 
Well, crap, this is going to take all night and only add 3 more pages if I go one by one... so I'll be brief.
Jim: Before I emailed Tom, I reread my initial post and I had this sinking feeling once I realized how I tossed the jab in there (which wasn't directly aimed at you, but it was overly aggressive). I didn't realize I started off like a troll that way. Would you believe that d33yz stole my login info? Probably not. I'd like to apologize. Regarding your points about Rice, I agree with you on some points, disagree with you on others, but in general can see where you're coming from and share some of your frustrations regarding the war and the general state of pre and post war intelligence.
Webroach: Yeah this whole thing sucks. I was being just as rude as I accused you of being. Being in a defensive mood, I read "descent" in a totally sarcastic way. Most of what I've writen above applies to you too.
Brad B.
#247775 - 31/01/2005 04:36
Re: Rain Woman
[Re: SE_Sport_Driver]
old hand
Registered: 23/07/2003
Posts: 869
Loc: Colorado
Brad, I'm glad we can all look at this and understand we're all still friends. And I'm also glad to see you understand I meant nothing but the best when I said "decent". So I thank you for your kind words, and I hope you (and everyone else) understand that it was never my intention to attack anyone (Bush or Rice included). If anyone took anything I said that way, please accept my apology for not being clear enough. Why can't all this politics crap just go away?  I think I'm gonna go eat some mochi and pretend the politics crap has gone away....