First of all, many thanks again to Claire and Hugo for a really lovely weekend. Thanks to Hugo for the stuff, which will let my empegs hopefully live for another 10 years or more.
It was a great party with great people and i can't wait for September to come back again.
Here are some of my photos, and Mark, they are covering the whole paty.

And thanks to robricc for picking me up at Stansted airport and the sofabed in his hotelroom. I really enjoyed staying with a real US-guy, cause the travellodge is NOT walkable from Hugos house. (considering my own driving habits i would be a good US-citizen, i think)
I had no trouble to get my spare parts and stuff as hand-baggage through the customs. They even didn't ask. The receivers were in my checked-in bag. At least 4 of them, the other one i left with robricc, cause my bag was totally overfilled.