yup, here she is....

in a very short space of time, i have come to the conclusion that this has to be the best forum i have ever joined, I belong to a mopar (drag race forum), a signmakers co-op forum and several sea angling forums, this far outshines the lot of them, while all have been helpful, this has certainly given me the most satisfaction!! you guys are superb! thank you for all the help.
ps, currently uploading my newly organised 25 gig of music, 5hrs and still not at 50%!!! i'll have to figure the ethernet connection before long! as well as completing the mammoth task of sorting through my "unsorted" folder which has around another 600 tracks yet to go into various folders, i'll have to add another hdd before then though as i've not enough space left on the current 30gig drive, I've sorted through about 1000 individual tracks already today, and another 3500 other tracks already sorted but into more specific folders and sub directories. then there's still the other 8gig of wmv files that need converting!!! i can see this being a labourious task!!