Big truck drivers can be scary but they can also be good "enforcers". The best thing I saw was at a backup because of a closed lane on a two lane road. Of course all the people in a hurry where driving in the closing lane to get to the front of the backup and slowing down everyone else. So one truck/lorry drive drove in the closing lane right next to a truck driver in the non-closed lane- blocking the line jumpers. Somehow you can't pull off this kind of road justice in a small car, but in a big truck you can get away with it.
Yeah, we have dipshit "enforcers" like this too.
My favourite is where we have two lanes merging to one on an "off-ramp". In the morning in stopped traffic the lorries play this game of "no-one shall pass me" about 500yds from the final merge.
Sadly what happens is that the traffic just backs up 500yds behind them.
Even worse is that they are only 200yds off the motorway.
Result? They cause stationary traffic on the motorway and total traffic chaos as the inside lane is stopped and the outside lane has people doing full speed...
Like I say... dipshits.
Oh, and a little more for the 'merge early' brigade...
Imagine 2 streams of traffic approaching a 'merge'.
All the cars in the left lane are red, all those in the right lane are blue.
Scenario 1:
All cars merge, in turn, just as the lane closes.
Alternate red/blue cars.... 100% fair.
Scenario 2:
Some cars from the right lane (red) merge early. Some don't.
Everyone who reaches the end of the lane merges in turn.
For every car that merges early you get a
in the left lane and
in the right lane (can you see what's coming?)
So when they merge to a single lane you get a
glut going through after the merge.
The selfish people who merge early actually hurt the people in the lane they merge into.
Side effect?
They get pissed and cause crashes by acting all self-righteous and 'enforcing' their boneheaded idea of "being right".
On the 'car being pushed sideways'... I actually witnessed this once. I was right next to a car when the lorry pulled out (slowly) as the car was just passing him. The car just tilted in front of the lorry very gently. The lorry actually carried on for quite some time before pulling over to the hard shoulder.
I was trying to stop traffic passing us as I figured this was one situation where that made sense. Someone overtook me

Incidentally I can see this being missed by a tired driver in a noisy lorry.
There was very little damage to the car - I did expect it to dig in the wheels and roll but it wasn't even close.