Dunno. For camera batteries, I still go for third-party clones, since one can usually find them for prices like "two for $10", instead of the "one for $100" for a genuine Canon BP-511A.
And the clones work spectacularly well for about two years, typically, then suddenly die. With more than one on hand as a backup, that's not normally an issue.
But now I've had the clones die on two successive trips to the EU, leaving me with just the Canon original each time. That's okay
(still had one good Canon battery), but I think I need to stagger the clone purchases by a year, so that they don't all die during exactly the same week.

For notebook batteries, the picture is less clear. The clones have all been terrible: the firmware reports way less capacity than the sticker on the outside, and they generally die within a year.
Since the price ratio is more like 1:3 rather than 1:20 (camera batteries), I'm not sure what the least bad strategy would be.