This is very strange. I have not changed my EMPEG in well over 3 weeks, and the strangest thing started happening yesterday. I was listening to the EMPEG and noticed after a while that there was only sound coming out of the right side of the car. I pulled over checked the connections to the amp and everything looked fine. Turned back on the car and it was fine. Then about 5 minutes later...the same thing.
So i faded to the left (after turning the car off/on). Listened, and after about 2 minutes, I heard the music start to fade and within 10 seconds, the sound was gone and a VERY low sound came from the right side of the car (like feedback from wires close to each other).
To fix the problem, I turn off the car and back on again. The length of time it lasts changes every time.
Has anyone else run into this problem?