Hi, gang!

Just wanted to properly introduce myself. So I'll tell a little story...

After I always dreamed of having an empge, but never been able to afford one, I now have three of them coming my way. Wow! Talk about things getting out of hand! (My credit card is in a delirium.)
First, I bought a MkI on ebay, to give to myself as a Xmas present. Yes, this was before the price drop. 8-(
After the drop, I said for $199 you can't be wrong, so I ordered a 10GB, but it showed out of stock. After reading this board, I lost all faith in that unit ever coming in. So I ordered a 30GB, which showed in stock due to the flukes on the estore. Guess what? I received tracking numbers for both!
So, while I'm still without one, I may have a whole family next week!

That gives me time to learn about installation. Mine will go into my Honda Insight, a car as truly remarkable and revolutionary as the empeg. And almost as rare. And possibly having a similar fate 8-( Oh well, let's hope for the best!

Glad to be with so many friends!