Hello all,

I have seen many warnings about the fact that it is dangerous to leave your Empeg in extreme temperatures. My question is, what are the potential dangers? All I have seen mentioned is possible damage to the hard drives. Is there serious threat of damage to the unit itself? And as far as hard drive damage goes, are we just talking about a moderate shortining of the life of the drive, or we talking about a potential immediate failure?

The reason I ask is because do not wish to have to carry the Empeg with me ALL of the time...If we're talking about halving the life of the hard drive because I leave the unit in the car in minus ten degree weather sometime, I can live with that. If we're talking about possible damage to the Empeg, well, that is just not acceptable. It's not like I'm going to be able to just pick up another one.
_____________________________ It's getting to be ri-god-damn-diculous.