OK.. I'm going to have a little contest. I'm giving away 1 free Exotic Wood CNC Facia to the person who can guess the serial number of my Empeg (whomever is closest).

The contest will end on Saturday, December 8th 2001 at 12:00 noon PACIFIC STANDARD TIME. I will then tally the results and let you know the winner.

The winner will have a choice over which wood they would like (from what I have in stock) and I will pay the shipping cost.

Please send all contest guesses to empegcontest@gwtw-kites.com. Only 1 guess per person and YOU MUST INCLUDE your Empeg BBS username with the guess.

- Empeg/Rio/Sonicblue employess (and anyone else who has access to the registration database) are not eligible.
- In the case of a tie, the Facia will go to whichever person guessed first (according to time I receive your e-mail).

Good luck!

P.S. Once I'm happy with how the aluminum facia's are coming out I will have another contest for one of those.