Well, you guys got me scared this morning as I read about the recent thefts. I just shipped my car to LA to have some work done, so a friend picked me up to take me to work. I normally would have left my Empeg in her car while we went into a burrito shop to pick up some food, but due to the messages I read this morning, I took it in with me.

It wasn't until I got to work that I realized that I didn't leave the burrito shop with it.

We rushed back and they had it locked in the office for me. Thank god. Anyway, I decided that I'd better remember my serial number in case I really do lose it (or if it's stolen). Oddly enough, mine doesn't seem to have a serial number. Next to the car adapter port on the back it says "Serial Number" and there's an oval below it, but nothing engraved or even markered in that oval area. I do have a sticker on the bottom with a 9 digit number and a bar code. Is this the serial number? Kinda sketchy that it's only on a sticker that could be easily removed...
