Well folks I know its been a long time coming, but I've finally got around to releasing empacman complete with source.

Initially I had plans to make some improvements based on some of your great suggestions, but life got in the way and I had no time to spare. So, instead of making any major changes, I left it mostly as is and cleaned up the source so that it's fit for public consumption. I got the impression from the beta release that there wasn't much that you didn't like with it in the first place.

So anyone out there who's dying to tweak their own custom copy of empacman, or who wants to add some killer improvements to share with us, now is your chance. I also hope that the source code can inspire other budding programmers out there to make their own projects.

When I have some more time I will consider adding the features I was planning, but I'd be more than happy to see other people contributing their own improvements rather than waiting for me to get my act together.

Grab it from here:


