It's been a year since I ordered the buttons from Brian's web page. It's been 10 months since I've recieved his last mail:

April 06, 2002
Subject: Status on button kits


This email is going out to everyone I have received email from about buttons
and kits. By the end of this weekend, April 7th I will have all four colors
of buttons as a direct match of the lens color in daylight, plus blue-green
that matches the color of the display with the blue lens in place. I am
waiting for a shipment of leds to come which will be the only thing delaying
the kits. As all parts come I will email all who have requested a kit,
asking if they are still interested and what color they would like. If your
email did not request a kit you will not receive another email, I just
grabbed all addresses that had anything to do with the buttons or kits.

Thanks for your interest,

I realize that there is a wait on these and I hate to bug him. Is there a way to find out if I'm still on the "list"?
