Ok, After getting hopelessly lost today I have made up my mind. I need the Gps/Nav System and the Empeg one doesn't cut it for me

I have a few Questions.

1. Can a Empeg MK2 be mounted on its End ?? ie Display up (maybe in he center console ??

2. Anyone know of anyway to get RCA Video from a Empeg Screen ??? ( then I could pipe it to a In dash unit, if not I can get some cheesy Pin Hole camera and Mickey Mouse it)

3. I have seen this name Tossed around on the boards " Camelot" what is it ???

4. I have heard Tell someone is/has or might be building a Remote Disply for the Empeg any Info?

5. If the Empeg will not work Well mounted on end any other Empeg Like Devices that I can use??

Edited by belezeebub (09/05/2003 21:35)
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