Okay, I am having an old problem again, now that docks are nearly ready to ship: the European purchasers seem to be having near 100% difficulty getting the payments right. I am sure this is my doing, but I just don't know what to do differently.
I use PayPal (evil, I know) for handling most dock payments. I have two different paypal accounts: a "personal" account that CANNOT ACCEPT CREDIT-CARD PAYMENTS, and a "business" account that CAN accept credit-cards.
But the problem with the "business" account, is that PayPal Inc. taxes ALL moneys paid into it, at a rate of either 2.9%(USA) or 3.4%(overseas), plus some smaller surcharges.
So.. when paying for a Dock using a credit-card to fund payment, the money can only go to the "business" account. And when paying using a PayPal or Bank balance as the source of the funds, it is best for all if the money is sent to the "personal" account instead (to save the 2.9% or 3.4% fees).
Buyers from Europe (and often the UK as well) nearly always send their payment to the wrong account. Buyers from elsewhere on the planet nearly always get it right. Why?
So.. could a few people perhaps read the standard email I send out, and suggest wording changes to reduce the chance of error? Tricky I suppose, because the folks I most want to hear from are also the most likely to see no problem (and later send money to the wrong place), I suppose.
Anyway, here's a copy of the text I have been using: