More of the usual security questions:

First, on average, are the people coming to Amersfoort by plane considering bringing their empegs? Do people bring empegs to this meet? I'm assuming there will be a chance to try out new hardware and software, but is this the case at the Amersfoort meets?

Second, if there is a reason to bring my empeg on the plane over from America, then how can I keep it safe?

- Leave it in the hotel? But who else has access to that room? Cleaning staff?

- And if I'm staying in a youth hostel? I can hope they have lockers or staff-maintained spots, but I'd be nervous.

- Carry it with me every minute? Chance for breakage, thieft (of the entire bag it's in), loss, or insecurity when locking it in a public place that does not permit bags (ie: museum).

- And if I carry it, I'd need protection (Pelecan 1200?) against droppage, water, etc, which is bulky.

- Bring my Pelecan 1400 and fill its built in padlock holes with high strength locks, left at the hotel room attached to a chain which is wrapped around an unbreakable loop, covered up by my luggage or other inconspicuous items? Hm, I've considered it.
110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens, Greenlights Lit Buttons green set