I've uploaded Empire 0.40 to the webpage for Palantir. This version is a much improved version of Empire, and fixes bugs in previous versions that would crash the player if too many tracks were beamed. This version also comes with a handy install script (thanks to Tony C's example in emphatic) that will install the software on your Empeg automatically.

Before using this install script, it would be wise to un-install Empire from your player by removing empire, sleep, start_empire, irattach, and all lib/libopenobex* files from your player, as well as removing the ;@EXEC_ONCE line from your config.ini file. Removing these files should be easy using a FTP program. If you are installing on a fresh Empeg, simply follow the install instructions on the webpage.

I have also created a manual for Palantir and Empire, with updated screenshots and frequently asked questions. This manual also details some advanced options you can use with Empire, as well as some of the lesser-known features of Palantir.

Any feedback is appreciated!
Mark Cushman