I have a problem with my player which doesn't seem to be specifically in the FAQ.
When the player is playing, it will sometimes stop playing for no reason. I have managed to work out that it does this mostly when it is about to change song so it may be a problem trying to cache the next song?
When this happens i can hear the hard disk. It spins up, clicks, spins down and repeats this every 10 seconds or so until eventually i have to pull the power. Sometimes after this I get a No Hard Disk Found.
If i give the player a little shake and reboot, mostly it works ok again for a while and then i get a repeat of the same problem. Often the player will start in a different position to where it left off, sometimes the same though.
It has been doing this for ages. The HD cable has been replaced about a year ago, but it's had little use since then and rarely moves position out of the lounge, so i don't think it is that.
Any ideas what it might be ? I like this little machine, even though my volume knob is completely wacky, it still works for what i want it to do.