a 10gig, Rio Car, No 030102578 smile

after nearly three years of wanting, i Finally managed to buy one, normally i'd not have the spare cash handy, or would get outbid at the last minute, but this time i've gone done it!

ok, a question or two.. I've received the player, the remote, original manuals and disc,

what else do i need?
i know i need a mains adaptor to run it while connected to the pc, also an ethernet cable, anything else? a dock for when connected to the pc?

the other prob i have... i've over 25gig of mp3 (and other) files on hte pc, so would clearly need to upgrade the hdd, i know it's a laptop drive, but which type?

I'm also aware that i need to download a few prog's to ensure i'm using the latest software (i think the firmware is up to date though), i'll go look for these in a moment.

i guess i'm basically asking "where do i go from here?" !! i have a fairly basic understanding of how the empeg works, and have baffled myself til my heat was content in the FAQ's, so i just need to get the basics sorted.

oh yeah,
Hello everybody, nice to finally have a reason to say hello!
