OK, so I just enthusiastically read all the info I have been able to find on the Mark 2. Sounds great (as I kick myself for just having purchased a competing product primarily because I had given up on the empeg ever including features that would make it work $1k to me, namely voice recognition and ethernet, Mac software would be a nice touch too), but I still have a few questions. Since the radio unit is a module is it also optional? I would be hooking up an empeg through AUX inputs on my Pioneer head unit so I don't need a second radio. Voice recognition is soooooooo cool, but does it really work with the radio blasting? Is there any pricing info out yet?


p.s. Trying to stop drooling....

"Empeg: play me a random ACDC song and bring up the GPS coordinates on the auxilary display" Yeah, that would rock :-)

EmpMenuX - ext3 filesystem - Empeg iTunes integration