It was going to happen sooner or later! I filled my 12GB player and need more room! I ordered an IBM DJSA22000 from for $130 + $15 for shipping. I found it on (PLEASE don't tell me there are known problems with this drive!) :)

Reading the FAQ on the subject, I have noticed there is no step-by-step pictoral of how to do this on a Mk II player. I have some web authoring experience and a digital camera, so I was thinking of putting together something for everyone. From reading the FAQ, it seems that the only special thing I may need is a few 3mm washers for the underside of the drive. If anyone knows of anything I should keep in mind or has any suggestions for the page, let me know. (all posts to this thread will go to my email)

I should get the drive sometime next week.

12gig Mk. II BLUE
Detroit, MI USA
Brad B.