
Just wanted to let you know that my new web page is available for preview under http://www-new.incase.de/. The main pages are in german, but the empeg pages are completely in english. I tried to collect quite some info about tweaking and/or programming the empeg from this BBS, the developer site and the published kernel sources of release 1.03. The pages will be updated more or less regularly during the next weeks, as I'm actively developing a few tools for the empeg now.
I would really like some feedback on the contents of my pages, because I'm not sure that all information is up to date in each case. Especially feedback from the guys@empeg would be highly appreciated.
If you have any additions, corrections or would like me to credit you or link to your page (or even someone elses page), please contact me via [email protected]?subject=New Website[email protected].


proud MkII owner (12GB blue/green/smoked, #080000113)

PS: Please don't link to the above page yet, the URL will change when I fully release the pages. I will announce that here, too. Also, I will try and translate the whole site to be available in both english and german. If any volunteer would like to translate the site or even single pages thereof to another language (and maintain it), I would be happy to include those, too.

Edited by smu on 25/07/01 03:08 PM.

proud owner of MkII 40GB & MkIIa 60GB both lit by God and HiJacked by Lord