(disclaimer) I realize that this is entirely unoriginal and will probably generate lots of pointless board traffic, but I'm bored and at work... (/disclaimer)

What are everyone's favorite visuals? I was just wondering 'cause there's a whole ton on there, and I find myself sticking to just 2 or 3 of them. Specifically-

1. marquesas (the mirrored oscillascope-like thing)
2. ShapeScape
3. Analog VU (although it'd be nice if the needles movement was less spastic)

On a somewhat related note, props to the empeg guys for synching up the visuals so well with the music. Often when I use Winamp, the visuals seem like they're not quite on with music, and this is defintely not a problem with the empeg.


Edited by omarkhayyam on 06/08/01 05:54 PM.

"It's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care..." -office space