Alrighty, my warranty is up, it's time to slap in another drive!!

I've found the Toshiba and the IBM 30GB drives for around the same price ($180+)... so the question is... does it matter?

The only info on drive problems i've found on the board was the issue with the IBM DJSA220's needing an M3 washer so as not to have pressure on the spindle, but I seem to remember something about spin up times... if the second drive doesn't spin up in time it's not recognized.

Should i use the same brand of drive if possible?

If so, My 12GB empeg is #08000446: which brand of drive was shipped in them?

For all those who have a 30GB in your player... which brands did you use and were there any issues?

thanks for any and all input =]

|| loren.cox ||
|| loren ||