So I uploaded the new Rob Zombie album to the player. I like it. I'm listening to "Iron Head", the track with him and Ozzy. It's real good. Then I go on and listen to some others.

Later I want to play that track for a friend. I go to track 5 (Iron Head), but something happens. It starts off the same, then all of a sudden this static comes in and that's all you could hear for the rest of the song. It was just strange. I couldn't get the darn song to play right. Even more perplexing to me was the following facts:
-none of the other songs did this
-it did it the same way each time I played it
-that I had listened to the song once before!

I find it odd that a song was changed while on the player. Is there any explanation for this?

I guess I should add that I already re-uploaded the song to the player, and now it works every time.

Edited by DiGNAN17 (04/12/2001 12:36)