I have on hand here a limited number of unclaimed Home Docks for Empeg/Rio Car players, which I am thinking of lugging along to Amersfoort with me (if Rob has room for them on the back seat of his Supra). These are "Works" models, with (quiet) fans and serial ports.
So, the question is.. who wants one? I think three or four people have already agreed to this "delivery" method in email, but I do have more of the docks here..
If you will be at Amersfoort, and want to purchase a Home Dock there, then please post (here) NOW. This will help give me an idea of how many docks to bring with me. I will not bring very many in any event, so the first people to post will get priority.
EDIT-2: The price for each of these at Amersfoort will be about E155.00 (euros) cash, possibly slightly more or less if I have miscalculated VAT (which I will pay on landing at Heathrow).
Edited by mlord (25/06/2003 07:53)