Okay, the first batch of nine new docks are in the mail today. I would really like to send more of these out (we have twenty more on hand), but people are being really slow responding to emails (or not at all in some cases).

This could be due to holiday, work travel, whatever.. but I do need to send as many of these out as possible this week -- I am leaving for the UK on Friday, and none will ship again until I return to Canada, a couple of weeks later.

So.. please Claim your Docks!.

If you have not received an email from me, then please check your queue position at the Home Docks URL (above) -- if it says notified next to your order, then I am waiting for payment from you!

If you are in the top fifty or so, and would like one of the docks I have here, then stay tuned: Any docks that are left-over on Wednesday will be offered up for quick grabs before I leave for Europe.
