Hey all, a few logo questions. And I searched the FAQ and BBS on and off for hours, and these are the ones I couldn't answer:

Does anyone have the original, non-animated Rio boot logo? The one that does not say "digital audio" but, instead, fills the whole height of the screen? The one that was used in 1.03 and also in its Static visual? I just kind of want it for my collection.

Some stuff I read suggested that, when an ani-boot plays, it starts with the static "company logo" then plays the ani. Correct? Can both the static and ani be replaced? Do static boot logos have the same situation (displays "company" logo, then static logo)?

Just what logos and images can be replaced in the player? Static boot (both home and car?), ani-boot (emp, empc, rio, rioc???), certain visuals, etc? (I think) The FAQ pointed to an old Tony post which listed what his Logo Editor could upload, but has that changed?

Is Tony's Logo Editor the only way to load static boot logos and some other statics? And is Jemplode is the only way to load ani-boots?

Now, if only my continued unexpected streak of good luck will continue and have Jemplode work on my machine.... I'll be set.
110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens, Greenlights Lit Buttons green set