For my trip to Europe, I'll be bringing a camera and an MP3 player, as will my girlfriend. Naturally, these will all probably run out of juice when we least want them to. But to keep them going and server as an all-in-one charger, I'm looking at getting one of these.

I wasn't sure if it has been posted about here before, but I thought this would be really cool for powering an empeg for a little bit in certain situations. That is, if it will work with it. I don't know that much about electricity and current, but they have a 12V model, and I gather that's what's necessary. Dozens of people on the Archos Yahoo group own one and say they're great. I figure it's worth a try. When I get one I'll try it out with the empeg (if the correct plug comes with it...could someone tell me if one of those included is the correct size?).