Hi. The empeg is installed in my 3000GT and I really like it, but there are a couple of minor things that are a little annoying. I'll discuss one of them:

The riocar/empeg is eurocentric!

You know what I am talking about. All (or most) of the stereos here in the western hemisphere have volume on left and controls on right. It is counter-intuitive to have them swapped. I propose a solution, but since I am unfamilliar with the internals / API of the unit I am not sure how feasible it is.

Turn it upside down.

The only two things that would need to be changed are:

1) The up/down/left/right buttons. My guess is that this would be relatively easy to change in the drivers as there should be some level of abstraction in which the messages can be swapped on the fly.

2) The screen would need to be rotated 180. However if the API allows the programmer to write directly to the hardware buffer then there may be complications.

As I stated, I don't know if these are easily implementable on this unit. My guess would be that it can be done fairly easily in the OS. I have not really looked into it, so maybe it has already been proposed or implemented? Could someone point me to a related thread if it has? If not could someone make sure this gets to a developer?

introvert Charlotte, NC 60GB Mk2a - Blue