
As the subject line says, all the outstanding memory boards have now shipped. Once again I must apologise for taking so long to get this sorted out. I'm afraid I'm much better at designing things than organising things, and coupled with all the family issues I've had hanging over me for the last year (don't ask, it's way too complicated) I've made a right balls-up of fulfilling my obligations.

However, everyone who ordered one should get it in the next week or so, subject to the vagaries of the various postal services involved. There were about 8 boards unaccounted for after everything settled, and these have been offered to anyone who expressed an interest on a strict first-come first-served basis, which seemed the fairest way to do it. If any of these people decline the offer, I'll push it along to the next in line.

I doubt I will make any more boards after this. The amount of effort involved is far more than I can spare at the moment, and I don't want to score any more own goals in the process. If anyone else wanted to take on the project I would be willing to discuss licensing the design, manual, etc, but be warned it's a lot more work than it appears at first sight.

Experience is what you get just after it would have helped...