I still can't get my laptop to damned well communicate via the COM port, somthing is still trying to hog it, what it is I don't know, nothing other than the empeg software and Hyperterminal is able to use the port, so, with this, I am back in the days of Beta 10a (laugh, please laugh I know you have read it that way, LOL).

But my question. Is the new beta (12c as of this) able to be applied safley, are all the interim updates included with the upgrade, or am I going to have to interim updates, if so, guide me as to whcih ones, as I have to lug them all over to my pc in the middle of nowhere to update.

I was going to do this a few weeks back, but, I heard mentioned the fact that you are working on upgrade method via serial, USB and ethernet (Damn, this was a god send), but as it isn't available yet, I thought I better just get some sort of update done.

Proud owner of #161
Proud owner of #161