Okay I have gotten disenchanted with my Empeg after all the work I put into making the proto-type face and sinking money into It I have desided to sell it and try and recover some of the money I spend I am pretty much selling all my stereo gear all list it here first then on Ebay if it doesn't sell

Blue MK2a 40G (I think its a 30 and a 10 but it could also be a 40 and a 10 I forgot but I'll look for the power cable and software tonight and check

40G MK2a (Make Offer) (Rio Branded remote Might have a kenwood one also I'll look)
2 12' Kicker Solo D type In wedge Boxes (HEAVY)
Alpine V-12 Amp 50x4 (make offer)
PPI PCX-2200 400x2 2Channle Mono Block Amp (make offer)
I have a ton more gear but I'll need to deside what stays and what goes and let you know.
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