We have a serious evening's entertainment on hand, and it is serious danger of being COMPROMISED! Given the vast volume (read: amount) of cash that has been spent on the hardware, it would be really great if we could set things up to work properly to allow the kids (read: Dads)
really enjoy the "Attack of the Clones" (yeh, alright, it's nostalgial evening).
We have a Sony Widescreen Trinitron model 32FX65U PAL TV with a Sony DVAS-880 DVD player (this is the 990 model in the States) plugged into into SCART 2 on the TV using S-Video mode. What we see is that we get serious display artefacts around the borders of high contrast areas when there is rapid movement.
I remember the recent thread on clashing Image processors on Sony devices, I wonder if this is related? Anyone got any ideas?
There is a serious amount of free beer on account for the guy (or gal, of course

who comes up with the answer before we get seriously pissed in the next couple of hours, to be collected at the next Amersfoort owner's meet (in July? Who knows
