Mark, Thank you so much! I'm so clueless when it comes to Palm software - this will get me going!
As for the phone itself - I love it! It is just small enough that it doesn't feel like I'm talking into a TI-82.

Because the screen was shrunk a bit (everything is there, but just smaller fonts and icons than a standalone PDA) sometimes you NEED the stylus to do stuff rather than just use your finger. But, the reason I picked it was because of it's small size. I havn't gotten online with iit yet - my "Vision" plan with internet doesn't kick in till April 10, but I use that Avantgo program to sync the latest news and weather each morning. It's been great for that.
Here is what I love about the phone:
- Included accessories: Extra stylus, spare extended life battery (these are expensive!), docking station that charges phone + spare battery, leather case that is very nice (has plastic insert to securely hold phone.)
- Sound quality: Incoming and outgoing calls are crystal clear (this can be hit and miss when it comes to phones but at least the mic is close to your mouth). Even speaker phone is great.
- Options: One feature I didn't like was how the phone would turn on with the press of any button - this was easy to turn off. There are so many options on this thing.
- Form factor: There are so many phones out there that are PDA's too, but this one was the only one that seemed small enough to be a phone yet big enough to be a useful PDA. The phone function can be used by touch screen - no stylus needed to dial or receive calls.
What you may not like:
- Options: Some options are burried deep in menus. Takes a few days to know where stuff is.
- No expansion slot: I don't care because 16MB is enough for me, but I'm a "light" PDA user and heavy phone user.
- Touch screen: With no physical keyboard, you can't "feel" your way to dial a number. You do actually need to look at the thing. I've gotten over this.