With our regularly scheduled Windows rants, I thought it would be only fair to rant about OS X, and maybe somebody will be able to help me out. Of course, I do like my PowerMac. The Cinema Display of Doom is truly stunning, and it's fun being able to type 'make -j 2' and watching both processors get slammed. But...

- Mozilla crashes like mad. I can't get it to read the 1000-odd messages in my IMAP without crashing. Mozilla works just fine on WinXP. Also, the latest one (Mozilla 1.1a1), while supporting Quartz anti-aliases text, gets the kerning wrong. Often very wrong. *Sigh* Thus, I'm forced to use IE, which I dislike for other reasons.

- Is there a decent MP3 tag editor, along the lines of Tag&Rename or MP3 Tag Studio? So far, the best I've been able to find is EasyTag, a GNOME thing which I was able to build and get running with XDarwin. iTunes ain't half bad, either, but It still pales in comparison with Tag&Rename.

- Support for Canon digital cameras sucks. In particular, neither Apple nor any of the third parties have support for Canon's "raw" file format (CRW) which records exactly what the CCD received, no more, no less. There's a recent update from Canon that gets their ImageBrowser working again, but you don't have the flexibility and controls that are available on Windows -- in particular, there's no way to set an image's white point. If you want to do any kind of serious color correction, you need this.

- I can't seem to find any documentation for how the hibernation stuff works. I was able to get wake-on-LAN working (which is cool -- now I can let my Mac go to sleep and can ping it remotely to get in). However, I can't find the reverse. What system call or what utilities put the computer back to sleep? So far, the only mechanism I've been able to find is the "Sleep" item on the Apple menu. I want a command-line tool that does the same thing.

- The lack of a decent virtual window manager really sucks. The closest I've found is "Space.dock", but it can only hide and redisplay whole applications. Is there some better solution out there?


It's so close to being great....