iTunes 3 looks to be the closest media player to the empegs player. Play counts, shuffle based off that, and dynamic volume compression. It adds a raitings sytem, and allows creation of playlists based off a ton of parameters. IE Create a 650 meg playlist of 80's songs I have never listened to, or create a 300 meg playlist of all my 5 star songs, randomly.

5gb iPod is $299
10gb is $399 - with a remote, solid state control wheel, carying case and firewire door. Plus 10% thinner now.
20gb is $499 - same accessories as above

iTunes 3 integration with play counts. And many other interface changes, including iCal support.

*edit* - Windows support for iPod with Musicmatch, same price. Late August availability.

And yes, I'm blue. I was playing with the colors for some ideas, and can't get it back right now. Don't ask, I'll be back to the standard moderator color soon.

Edited by Drakino (17/07/2002 07:28)