I found a file on remotecentral that was originally designed to allow you to place up to two hundred CD's onto your Pronto for easy access. It was originally post there by Ivan Gonzalez back in December of 99. You will need to have the compiler / decompiler (CCFTools) that is also available on remotecentral to use this file. It is an Excel file that will transfer your Pin / Artist / Title listings from an Excel spreedsheet into a pronto CSF file you than just compile the file and you have a Pronto CCF file with your music at the touch of a button!! I have modified the Macro so it will work with the Empeg. I have included a 'Blank' CCF for you to use and a populated CCF for you to look at.

Have Fun

P.S. When you place your playlists in the spreedsheet put the PIN number under the CD# column. I forgot to change the heading to "PIN"

105224-prontoempeg.zip (59 downloads)

Edited by Neutrino (22/07/2002 19:40)
No matter where you might be, there you are.