1) Does anybody know of a way (particularly within Windows Explorer, but global would be even better) to emulate a mouse right-click using just the keyboard?

2) Fairly frequently, the time-of-day displayed by my computer skips forward by an hour and three minutes. I have the "Daylight Savings Time Automatic Adjustment" setting enabled. I have gone so far as to set the time in BIOS. I have set it in Control Panel. One of the servers that I access daily has a program that automatically re-sets my computer to the correct time every time I access that program. But nonetheless, several times a week my computer will change its clock time by an hour and three minutes. Re-booting has a good chance of making this happen; but it doesn't happen every time I reboot; and sometimes it happens without rebooting. But wait... there's more.

There are between 50 and 60 networked computers in my building... and possibly 20 of them are exhibiting this behavior. Probably it's just coincidence, but the ones with the problem are all on the North side of the building -- the side where all the Studio-Transmitter link microwave transmitters are located. (The ones that send our studio output up to the transmitter location about 10 miles away on top of the big hill.)

Am I overlooking something obvious here?


"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"