Lately I have been very much enjoying my evening viewing of The Daily Show on Comedy Central.
Mostly I think its because Jon Stewart usually says exactly what I'm thinking.
I guess its reassuring in a weird sort of way to hear somebody else give a public opinion thats the same as mine. Kind-a makes me feel not so alone.

Also since its the only "news" show I can stand to watch its also pretty much become my only source for news.
How pathetic is that?
News from Comedy Central.
Oh dear...

Anyway, I just had to share.
And if you find yourself flipping channels at around 11:00PM flip on over to Comedy Central and give it a view.
Just so youre pre-warned its not a real news show, and the anchor is heavily opinionated. But in a good way. At least for me.
...all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by.