I would like to network two PC's in my apartment. I have a 4-port hub right next to my Windows box. The Linux box will go in my other bedroom. The problem is there is no easy way to run CAT-5 between the two rooms. My first thought was to look at 802.11(b,g) products, but for this very simplistic application (networking two desktops) it seems excessive to go wireless... It's not like I'm going to be roaming around my house with a laptop or anything. And then there's the whole security issue.

So I had heard a little bit about home networking through power lines (as is used by the Rio Receiver, IIRC) and did a little searching. It sounds like a lot of products have appeared which will bridge Ethernet LAN's to home electrical lines. So I figure if I bought two of them, I could have a relatively fast connection between the two rooms.

So does anyone have experience with these products? I think the maximum theoretical speed is 14 mbps, which is slower than the fast ethernet I would be getting if I ran CAT-5, but for my purposes, it might be fast enough. Do these things flake out with power surges or anything like that? The one that seems to be getting the best reviews is the Siemens product, and I could have two of them for around $90. Is it worth the expense, or should I try to find a way to jerry-rig CAT-5 between the rooms?
- Tony C
my empeg stuff