I'm trying to get a site setup for MK2 lens orders but I'm having trouble with the HTML that I'm hacking. Can someone take a look and let me know what I'm doing wrong? Here's the link:


From either order page, I place an order for a specific lens color and set the quantity to 3 in the dropdown. Click buy and it gets added to the Paypal cart. I then navigate back to the order page, select a different color and quantity and buy it. So far so good, but when I attempt to order any quantity of the first lens color, it only adds one lens.

I'm assuming its defaulting to undefined_quantity of 1 but if so why doesn't the form pick up the new quantity from the combo. If there's anything else that I've done wrong, please let me know. Thanks.

Also please don't use this to order anything yet. I'll let you know when it's live.