I really want my parents to end up with the right product, so I'd appreciate some help from you folks around here.

Here's the deal. My dad currently has a 60" Mitsubishi that he got in 1992. It's served us well. But we naturally want to keep up with the times. The 60" RPTV is, of course, quite large in bulk and takes up much of the room.

This brings up some dilemmas. We want to go with a 60" widescreen. We'd go bigger but this has to fit in between two doors. The problem we first run into in this regard is that we can't find TV's with small enough bezels. And what the hell is with companies putting these lame speakers on the sides of their TVs? Who's going to buy multi-thousand dollar monitors and not going to spend on the proper audio system? I wouldn't think enough to make it worthwhile. It makes no sense to me.

Anyway, my dad recently said he was looking at this one. Could I get some impressions? I'd appreciate it. I wonder how much burn-in will affect this monitor.

I have one more question. Until recently I had never heard of these LCD projection screens. What's the deal with these? What's the technology? What are the advantages/disadvantages vs regular flat panel monitors.

Thanks for your help.