I've bought a miata in Ft. Lauderdale and I need to get it up to Jacksonville (to ship it back to Belgium) somewhere between feb 26 and march 1st.
Problem is that the car is not registered and I cannot get a temp tag for it since I'm a non-US resident. (It IS possible, but very expensive and lots of paperwork so it's a nono)
I was thinking of towing it behind my rental, but these don't come with a hitch. Actually they don't even allow it (I called).
I've looked into renting a truck with trailer to transport it to Jacksonville, but that's very very expensive.
I was hoping for a good soul willing to help me out. I can rent a tow dolly but I have no towing car. Anybody want to help me out? I'd cover all your expenses & food etc ...
The miata is in Ft. Lauderdale and needs to get to Jacksonville somewhere between feb 26 and march 1st. I'm flying back on march 2nd...
Frank Devocht