I've been watching "Celebrity Poker Showdown", and I'm confused about how the bet/raise system works in the game. They explain the card order of course, but not the betting details.

I've googled a lot of sites and come up with lots of information, but all of it assumes you've played poker before and you know the basics of how the betting rounds work.

So far, here's what I've been able to figure out:

- The table is arranged in clockwise order of: 1. Dealer, 2. small blind, 3. big blind, 4. first action, 5. everybody else. In games where the players aren't the dealers, a "button" is placed to represent seat position one. This seat rotates with each hand.

- Small blind (half minimum) and big blind (minimum) go onto the table first. Only the guys sitting in seats 2 and 3 have to put up blinds, no one else has to bet yet.

- Dealer then deals 2 cards to the players.

- First action guy (seat 4) is now the "beginning" position for the actual betting round. He decides whether to bet or fold, and begins the actual round of betting.

- All other players, in order after the First Action seat, decide whether to call, raise, or fold. (Checking is not allowed until later, after some community cards have been dealt.) This circle of actual betting completes all the way back around to the guy sitting just before First Action Guy.

Now here's where I get confused. I'm fuzzy on this. If everyone calls or folds, then the betting round is done and the flop comes. But if someone raises, then that re-opens the table for another round of betting at the new amount, right?

The questions I have from this are:

If someone raises and opens a new round of betting, is that raise guy's seat now the "beginning" position for the round of betting? Or is the beginning seat for the betting round the same as it has always been: First Action Guy? In other words, If the guy sitting at seat 2 raises, then does only the guy *after* him have to match his raise, or does everyone else in the circle have to match his raise?

Furthermore, when a raise is made, in order for someone to match it, do they have to put in the full amount of the entire call-plus-raise, or just add something to their initial bet to bring it up to match? For instance, if seat 3 had initially bet 10, and seat four puts 15 into the pot, then when it's seat 3's turn again, does he have to put in 15 MORE or just another 5 to match the raise?

I have more questions, but those are the burning ones at the moment.
Tony Fabris