I have volunteered to work up a Photo Montage for an upcoming family event and wanted to get some advice from the group for software suggestions to do this.

I'd like to set the whole thing to music, and I'd also like the ability (not sure how to describe) for the software to be able to zoom or move around a still image to give the impression of motion or panning.

I'll probably have 4-6 minutes of photos and could dig up some more if necessary. I don't want it to be too long, but not real short either since I'll be dragging a laptop and projector to a local hotel...

Some of the photos will be scanned and some will be digital from the camera...

A PowerPoint presentation would be pretty boring, so I'm looking for some software that will really help me jazz the whole thing up and make people say "Wow, that was slick!"...

Any suggestions?

Thanks, Randy
Happy owner of 2 Centrals, 2 Empegs Mk2a 160GB, 1 Empeg Mk2a 60 GB, a Rio Riot, 4 Rio Receivers, and two 1GB iPod Shuffles...