For the past 12 months or so, I've felt that has become a devious website distributing malicious code while disguised as a valuable information resource.

One day probably 12 months ago, like turning on a light switch, suddenly appeared at the top of my Google search results for nearly every common topic I requested. And why not, the pages had tons of information.

But surrounding the information were tons of banner ads, popups, and even software install attempts (in Internet Explorer). During typical "my computer is slow" support calls at work, I began seeing spyware which referenced And just today, a co-worker was greeted with Symantec anti-virus quarantining the notorius winupd.exe during a visit to

It seems like such a perfect "grayware" setup: Create a seemingly vastly legitimate resource, find and implement THE secret to appearing on top of every Google search (mass self subdomain linking?), then sell your high-traffic banner space to spyware authors and malicious coders, who are paid by ill-intentioned market research firms, quack product sellers, phoney mortgage lenders, identity thiefs, credit card harvesters, botnet pwnz0rds, and spam senders.

Has my internet paranoia reached new heights? Or, is the saying still true that: "The Internet ****s up EVERYTHING!"
110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens, Greenlights Lit Buttons green set