My parents are spending two days in Paris next week en route to the Mid-East to spend Christmas with my brother. Being REALLY cheap people, they've decided to take the AirFrance bus from CDG into Paris and then the train or subway to within three blocks of their hotel.

Unfortunately, they've got a ton of baggage because everyone decided to use them as pack mules to send stuff to my brother (Christmas gifts and items they can't get locally.) What they'd like to be able to do is inexpensively store 2 or 3 suitcases at the airport for two days so they don't have to drag 150 lbs of luggage each over public transportation twice in a couple days.

I sent an email to the Sheraton at CDG to see if they offer luggage storage service, but am still awaiting response. From what I understand, there is no storage available in the airport itself for fear of a bomb.

Any suggestions besides popping the extra for a cab (remember, the operative word here is cheap)?
~ John