Hi all....

I've been trying to upload some large .zip files >350mb up to >1GB to my site. I've been using SmartFTP and/or WsFTP on my XP machine. I have a cable connection so the upload speeds are not all that great. Generally the timers on the FTP programs say about 3 hours for a 400mb file at about 44KB/s (or something like that)

All times I have tried to upload this file, it has quit at about 300Mb, sometimes less, sometimes more. I think that this mostly has to do with my cable connection because I tried uploading from work with SmartFTP and everything worked fine. Of course at work I can upload that file in under 10 minutes.

Does anyone have an idea on how to keep the connection active? I've pretty much exhausted the options in both programs for 'keep connection active' and 'failed upload' retry times etc and nothing seems to work.

thanks for the help.